Sharing of merits to the earthquake victims as well as victims of disasters and tragedies everywhere.
On Monday 25 April, Nalanda Centre held a special memorial service to mark the first anniversary of the devastating earthquake that caused widespread damage and the death of more than 8,000 people in Nepal alone.
Nalanda founder Bro. Tan led the chanting and gave a Dhamma talk on the occasion. He recalled that when news of the tragedy reached us, Nalanda devotees leapt into action and raised about RM90,000 for the victims to provide them with temporary shelter, food, and other essentials.
Bro.Tan said that in the wake of natural disasters, Malaysian Buddhists have been proactive in extending our assistance. We do not look at people’s ethnicity or religion in rendering help. We only look into the needs of the victims, and what can be done to alleviate their suffering. This is the epitome of Buddhism – the practice of equality and equanimity without discrimination.
The Memorial Service ended with dedication of merits to victims of the Nepal earthquake, as well as to all beings in need. We thank Bro.Tan for his wonderful sharing, and everyone who attended the Service. Anumodana.