Metta Sutta Commentarial Course in Kuching

Metta Sutta Commentarial Course in Kuching

Nalanda Institute’s BPS136 Metta Sutta Commentarial Course was conducted for the first time at Kuching Dhamma Vijaya Buddhist Centre on 17 August.  Sarawak is the 7th Malaysian state to host the Institute’s course after Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Sabah.  Outside Malaysia, the Institute’s course had also been conducted recently in Singapore.

Special mention goes to Bro. Francis Chai from Sabah and Bro. Lim Kean Boon from Kedah, both of whom traveled all the way to Kuching to attend the course!

Over the weekend, Bro.Tan also delivered 2 public talks and had many discussions with devotees in Kuching.  After that, Bro.Tan proceeded to Sibu for the next leg of his 5-day fruitful visit to Sarawak.