Moving ahead with Dedicated Leadership

Moving ahead with Dedicated Leadership

The Board of Management having one of its regular meetings at Nalanda Centre.

It has been a month since Nalanda Buddhist Society elected a new Board of Management on 8 March 2015.  The new leadership has shown much enthusiasm and dedication in steering the Society forward with new initiatives and training programmes for members in the pipeline.

The leaders have been holding a series of meetings with the outgoing Board of Management, and with all heads of educational divisions and departments.  The newly-elected officers also had several meetings with Founder Bro. Tan to get his invaluable ideas and to tap his rich experience in serving the community.

The new leadership having a meeting with all Directors of Nalanda's educational divisions.

The Nalanda Board of Management is elected every two years at the Annual General Meeting.  The Board comprises 11 positions including the President, Deputy President, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.  Board Members are entrusted with upholding the Nalanda Constitution, Culture, and Core Values.  The current Board will be formally installed at a special members’ gathering at Nalanda Centre on 1 May (Friday), in conjunction with the Society’s 12th anniversary celebration.

The leadership frequently meets with Founder Bro. Tan for consultations on a broad range of issues. Photographed from right: Bro. Tan, President Sis. Evelyn, Deputy President Bro. Charlie, and Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee.