The Building Committee comprising Nalanda representatives, consultants, and contractors having their weekly site visit on 20 October.
Today marks the 160th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began in mid-May. Overall, the annex building is 83% completed, while the remaining work is progressing well. The new roof structure spanning two lots is also 100% done. For these past few months, we are very thankful to have achieved a 100% safety record, thanks to good cooperation from the consultants, builders, sub-contractors, and Nalandians.
To date, Nalanda’s Building Fund faces a shortfall of RM470,441. We would like to appeal for your funding and support towards this noble project. Donations and sponsorships of any amount are most welcome in the name of “Nalanda Buddhist Society”.
We thank everyone for your continued good wishes and contribution toward the building expansion project. We hope to complete this project on-time, satisfactorily, and successfully, so as to benefit the community soonest possible. With deep appreciation and mettā!