Nalanda Building Progress – 200th day

Nalanda Building Progress – 200th day

200 days into the Building Expansion Project, work is progressing well with 100% safety record!

Today marks the 200th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began in mid-May.  Overall work is 95% completed and is on schedule to finish this month – in time for Nalanda Dharma School’s 10th Anniversary Celebration and the 2nd National Members’ Convention!

Carpenters, masons and tilers work dexterously alongside electrical and ceiling installers; trying to put the finishing touches to the new Centre.  In just 2 weeks, Nalanda will retake possession of the annex building from the contractor after 7 months of furious renovation.

The storage room (left) and link-corridor to the existing building (right) at Level 3.

We thank everyone for your continued good wishes and contribution towards the building expansion project.  Donations and sponsorships of any amount towards the project are most welcome, in the name of beneficiary – “Nalanda Buddhist Society”.  With your gracious help, we look forward to completing the Centre very soon to further benefit the community.  Thank you and mettā!

The facade of the existing Centre and annex building (on the left) looking more similar by the day.