Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 27

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 27

Cover page of Nalanda Bulletin Issue No.27; published on 1 May 2015.

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The 27th Issue of Nalanda Bulletin was released on 1 May 2015.  This issue reports on the recent inspiring visit by Venerable Ajahn Sumedho, Ven. Sanghasena, Ven. Seelananda, and Ven. Sangharatana.  It also contains reports of Annual General Meetings at all Nalanda branches.

Get a copy of the bulletin from Nalanda Centre or any NEO Centres near you, and read about recent news and updates on Buddhist programmes and activities. We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for again giving us the pleasure of reading the Nalanda Bulletin. Sadhu anumodana!