Nalanda Centre re-opens today

Nalanda Centre re-opens today

Nalanda Centre re-opens today to continue providing essential services to the community.

Nalanda Management is pleased to announce that Nalanda Centre will re-open to the public on Tuesday, 1 September to continue providing essential services to the community. Our operations will adhere to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by the Malaysian National Security Council to ensure the safety and welfare of all visitors and staff members.

New Operating Hours 
Nalanda Centre will open to the public on :

  • Mondays to Saturdays : 10am to 5pm
  • Sundays : 8am to 12pm

Nalanda Centre will resume hosting the weekly Sunday Service from 9.30am to 11.00am.  Other programmes such as Dhamma School sessions, Free School classes, Weekly Meditation and Alm-rounds will resume only after further improvement of the Covid-19 situation. You can stay updated with our latest announcements on Nalanda’s webpage or Facebook.

SOPs at Nalanda Centre
Nalanda Management prioritises the safety of all visitors by disinfecting our premises daily and putting in place clear guidelines for visitors to follow.  All devotees visiting the Centre are required to adhere to the following SOPs :

  • Register your attendance upon arrival; take your temperature; and scan the ‘MySejahtera’ QR code. Alternatively write down your full name and contact numbers in the logbook prepared.
  • Anyone having a body temperature above 37.5°C, or shows any symptoms of cough, sore throat, flu or difficulty in breathing, should avoid visiting the Centre.
  • Senior citizens (above the age of 70) and children (below the age of 12) should avoid visiting the Centre.
  • Wear a face mask and carry your Identification Card (IC) at all times.
  • Avoid gathering before and after any programmes, and disperse calmly when the programme has ended.
  • Avoid any physical contact (e.g. shaking hands) and adhere to 1-metre physical distancing.

Situational Review 
We shall monitor the Covid-19 situation closely and take note of further directives from the Malaysian Ministry of Health. All our programmes and activities will be reviewed by the Executive Committee fortnightly.

Personal Responsibility 
Ensuring public health and safety is everyone’s responsibility.  We encourage everyone to continue observing good hygiene and to stay away from crowds unless necessary, in order to avoid exposing yourself and other people to further risk.  Should you feel unwell or have any symptoms of flu, please visit a doctor immediately.

Gratitude for your Support 
We record our great appreciation to all members, volunteers and friends for your well-wishes and support over the past few months.  A special thanks to our Dhamma speakers, facilitators and the technical team who provided on-line learning programmes for the community’s benefit.

Let us cultivate compassion for the welfare of people around us, and endure this pandemic with calmness and resilience.  Stay healthy and positive always.

If you require further details about this announcement, kindly contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500.  Thank you.

With mettā,

Executive Committee,
Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia.