Nalanda Centre to host Ven. H. Gunaratana

Nalanda Centre to host Ven. H. Gunaratana

Welcome to Malaysia!

We warmly welcome the most Venerable Dr. Henepola Gunaratana to Nalanda.

We are very pleased to welcome Venerable Sri Pandita Henepola Gunaratana Nāyaka Māha Thero to Malaysia!  Ven. Gunaratana (fondly known as ‘Bhante G’ to many of his students) is a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher and the author of several influential works, such as the best-selling ‘Mindfulness in Plain English’.  He is held in high esteem in the Buddhist world as a scholar and practitioner.

Despite his advanced age of 88, Ven. Gunaratana (with 68 “vassa”) often travels to teach meditation and lead retreats in the Americas and Europe.  Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang is honoured to host Ven. Gunaratana during his sojourn from 10 – 15 January.  Bhante will be giving Dhamma teaching to the public on Sunday, 10 January, 9.00am at Nalanda Centre.

Ven. Dr. Henepola Gunaratana.

Ven. Gunaratana is renowned in the Buddhist world as a Dhamma scholar and practitioner.

We invite you to join us in offering daily breakfast and lunch dāna to Ven. Gunaratana at 7.00am and 11.30am respectively during his stay here.  You may bring along cooked vegetarian food or fruits as offering, and arrive before those stated times.

If you need further details, kindly call Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500.  We look forward to welcoming everyone at Nalanda Centre.  Thank you and mettā.