9th ‘Nalanda Day’

9th ‘Nalanda Day’

1 May 2012

1 May is designated ‘Nalanda Day’; it marks the 9th anniversary of Nalanda’s founding.  On this day, Nalandians congregated for morning devotion at the Shrine Hall, before gathering in the Srivijaya Hall, where important Society events are usually held.

Among the many significant ‘news’ for the day were the launchings of Nalanda’s revised website, our new uniform, our first vehicle – a reconditioned, used-van generously donated by Mr. Chan Fong, and “Nalanda-Macro” – an important document outlining Nalanda’s Transformation Programme and our organizational goals for the next one year.

Nalanda Day was celebrated with high spirits by members and volunteers.  There was all round appreciation of the efforts put in by everyone in many spheres to carry out our noble mission.  Thank you one and all for your invaluable service and contributions over the years!  Let us continue to work diligently for the Buddha-sasana and for greater achievements.  Anumodana!

Happy Nalanda Day!

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