Facilitators and parents need to work together in order for the children to learn effectively. We are on the same team!
On Sunday 16 July, Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) held a meeting to update the parents on the learning programme of both Teenage and Junior Dhamma School in Sri Serdang, and to provide an avenue for parents to share their thoughts. Parents were also engaged in individual discussions with facilitators to exchange updates on students’ progress and address concerns.
Parents conveyed the positive changes observed in their children and expressed their gratitude to the facilitators for patiently guiding the young minds. When parents gain a deeper understanding of their child’s learning journey in Nalanda, they can then provide necessary support at home and practice in accordance to Dhamma together as a family.
The meeting began with taking the Three Refuges and Five Precepts.
Sis. Lau Wei Nee welcomed all parents and gave an update of the School’s programmes to inculcate Buddhist values and culture.
Sis. Poh Chin Hui provides an update on the School’s registrar.
We thank all parents for the trust and support they have given to Nalanda Dhamma School. May we continue to work closely for the integral development of our children. Sadhu anumodana.