Nalanda Dhammaduta College meeting

Nalanda Dhammaduta College meeting

On Saturday 31 August, Nalanda Dhammaduta College members met to discuss pertinent issues and align on future initiatives.  Established since 2019, the collegiate has been serving the community through Dhamma programmes across the Society’s learning divisions while also upskilling themselves to enhance their service.

Director of the College, Bro. Ananda Fong welcomed new members to the group and realigned the collegiate on ways to strengthen and enhance its resource pool.  He reminded the collegiate to continue to work towards developing the Buddhist community by bringing people together and enriching lives with Dhamma, inculcating nobility in character, and inspiring deep spirituality.

We thank the collegiate for their commitment and determination in guiding more children, youths and adults in exploring and understanding Dhamma.  These consistent efforts will collectively contribute to the prolongation of the Buddha-Sāsana.  Sadhu anumodana.