Nalanda Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Nalanda Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Facilitators and students having fun at the waterfall.

From 18 – 20 March, Nalanda Dharma School (N.D.S.) students participated in a 3-day stay-in programme at Nalanda Centre with the theme “A Life Less Ordinary Begins Here”.  The 47 participants, including 5 students from Johor Bahru branch, had plenty of opportunities to build their character, courage and confidence throughout the camp.

Apart from the energetic games session, a workshop on public speaking was conducted by senior student and House Captain, Bro. Choo Yi Kang.  The students discovered new aspects of speech presentation and several techniques on how to make their talks more interesting.

Having a great time while learning Dhamma together!

On the second day, participants spent time close to nature at an eco-training camp site.  Jungle trekking and finishing the obstacle course were strenuous but wonderful experience for the teenagers.  Besides strengthening their bond and friendship, participants also experienced the importance of being courageous and persistent in the face of challenges.

Every day throughout the stay-in, the students performed daily chanting, meditation, and listening to Dhamma-sharing by Sis. Sunanda Ong, the Director of N.D.S.  She skilfully conveyed the Dhamma in a light-hearted and inspiring manner, encouraging all participants to put the teachings of the Buddha into practice.

'That's what friends are for' - care and encouragement along the journey!

The 3-day camp concluded happily as all participants were given the chance to present their speeches with newly-learnt skills.  Congratulations to all award recipients for your good effort.  We thank the programme organising team for enabling the teenage-participants’ holiday to be well-spent at Nalanda!  Sadhu anumodana.

Sis. Sunanda giving a Dhamma talk and encouraging students to put teachings of the Buddha into practice.