Nalanda Institute celebrates 11th anniversary today

Nalanda Institute celebrates 11th anniversary today

Nalanda Institute’s current and past Directors, together with officers and volunteers gathered to celebrate its 11th anniversary today.

Nalanda Institute Malaysia celebrated its 11th anniversary meaningfully today by hosting a forum on “Understand Suffering and Suffer Less – You can put it down”.  The public forum was hosted by its Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye;  Nalanda founder Bro.Tan and Sis. Tan Yee Yong were the other two speakers.

The forum aimed to address the growing prevalence of mental suffering amongst Malaysians.  The demands of busy urbanised lifestyles, the proliferation of distractions, and the multiplying increase in desires cause stress levels to trend upwards.

The morning started with “Achariya Abhivādana” – paying respects to our Dhamma teachers.

Tan Siang Chye opening the forum by talking about the prevalence of mental suffering in Malaysia.

Bro.Tan giving his presentation on the Buddhist perspective on mental suffering.

Sis. Tan Yee Yong speaking about her experience as a hospice volunteer.

Bro.Tan said that the entire teachings of the Buddha can be summarised as such: ‘knowing the true nature of suffering and overcoming it’.  The Buddha called the nature of suffering “dukkha” – a moment (to moment) experience of displeasure.  With His Enlightened mind, the Buddha brilliantly and clearly stated the cause of suffering as “tanha” – having craving or feeling needy.

The way to overcome suffering is the gradual practice of Noble Eightfold factors; this application of Dhamma was the thrust of Buddha’s dispensation.

Achariya S. Vijaya summarising the forum with an engaging speech.

The forum attracted a large audience who sportingly joined the simple celebration of Nalanda Institute’s anniversary.  We thank Institute officers for their hard work and contributions over the years in offering many courses and programmes for the benefit of the community, and towards the development of Buddha-Sāsana in Malaysia.

Happy anniversary Nalanda Institute, and sadhu anumodana!