Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch A.G.M.

Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch A.G.M.

Branch Chairman and Deputy Chairman leading members in the salutations before A.G.M.

Branch Chairman and Deputy Chairman leading members in the salutations before the meeting.

Saturday 18 February marked the 4th Annual General Meeting of Nalanda Buddhist Society Kuala Lumpur Branch.  During the meeting held at NEO Centre Happy Garden, members were given updates on the Branch’s development in 2016 as well as upcoming plans for this year.  The meeting was also attended by Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn, Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee, and EXCO Member Bro. Lee Teck Beng.

Branch Chairman Bro. Ng Eek Chon expressed deep gratitude and appreciation towards all members and devotees for their active participation and support towards the Branch’s activities.  He encouraged all members to join hands and continue to put in effort to organise educational programmes for the benefit of the community.  He also thanked the Board of Management and Nalandian officers for their guidance and unrelenting support.


Branch Chairman Bro. Ng Eek Chon welcoming members to the 4th A.G.M.

Sis. May Tan presenting the Management Committee's annual report.

Branch Secretary Sis. May Tan presenting the Management Committee’s annual report for 2016.

Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn congratulated the Branch Management Committee and members for their successful out-reach programmes such as Pindacāra and meditation class.  Besides, she reminded Nalandians to uphold our Eight Core Values, strive to achieve the Six Well-beings, and maintain concord in working together.

Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow.

Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn represented the Board of Management at the Branch A.G.M.

We wish Nalanda K.L. Branch members much blessings in providing quality educational programmes for the community.  May the branch continue to grow from strength to strength!  Sadhu anumodana.

Committee Members and members after the A.G.M.

Kuala Lumpur Branch Committee Members and members after their annual meeting.