Nalanda leaders gathered for training

Nalanda leaders gathered for training

We rejoice over the leaders’ attentiveness in learning and their support of each other.

On 28 to 29 October, 65 Nalanda leaders from Serdang Headquarters and Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani Branches came together to refresh and realign in their missionary.  Over these two days, the group explored various aspects important to their roles including the Society’s Code of Conduct, ways to manage challenges and resolving issues in leading teams, and the importance of continuous learning.

To advance the Society’s mission in creating opportunities to learn and practice the Dhamma, leaders must always be mindful of our own intentions and conduct so that we can be a positive influence to benefit the community.  When we are consistent in our own practice and united in our service, we can contribute beyond the Society, towards the prolongation of Buddha-Sāsana.

We are also thankful to Achariya S. Vijaya for his words of advice.

Sis. Buddhini Tan, President, thanked everyone for their contributions to the Society.

Nalanda leaders appreciate the camaraderie and common goals of their peers, in their service to the Society and Buddhist community.

Youth leaders are an important part of the Society.

Good spiritual friends are always supportive of each other no matter the distance.

Youths’ participation and their contributions bring about a more diverse discussions.

We extend our appreciation to our Dhamma speakers, trainers, organisers, leaders and volunteers for this productive programme.   As Buddhist leaders and members of a Dhamma community, let us be unrelenting in our efforts towards making lives more meaningful.  Sadhu!

Leaders discussing how they would handle situations which arise in the course of running programmes at Nalanda.

Sis. Salika Suksuwan shared on how we can handle sensitivities when dealing with fellow members, devotees and volunteers.

Sis. Nandini Tan, Director of Nalanda Centre, explained further on sections of the Code.

There were many good clarifications questions from leaders during the sessions.

In high spirits, leaders are ready to charge forward to advance the Society’s noble mission.

Celebrating the birthdays of good friends born in the month of October and November.

Our gratitude goes out to all Buddhist leaders who continue to serve the community.

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