Nalanda leaders join TBCM AGM

Nalanda leaders join TBCM AGM

On Saturday 26 June, the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) had its 13th Annual General Meeting with the participation of 27 member societies.  Representing Nalanda was Deputy President, Bro. Charlie Teng and Honorary Secretary, Sis. Livin Leow.  The meeting deliberated the Council’s past year activities, and its medium to longer term programmes.

Being election year, the 2024 -2026 TBCM EXCO was elected.  The new EXCO consists of 12 members and is led by President Bro. Tan Leng Huat and Deputy President Bro. Wong Tin Song.  We extend our appreciation to the out-going EXCO and wish the new Committee a fruitful and meaningful term. Sadhu anumodana.