Nalanda Leadership Retreat

Nalanda Leadership Retreat

Nalanda leaders attending the retreat.

Nalanda officers from all over the country attending the 3-day retreat for leaders.

Twenty-six Nalanda officers are spending the long Deepavali weekend attending a special retreat in Klang, Selangor.  This is the second annual leadership retreat which involves Executive Committee members and all branch leaders.

Bro. Tan teaching at the retreat.

Bro. Tan talking about culture and cultivation for a dynamic yet spiritual community.

The theme of this year’s retreat is “Moving forward together”.  During the three-day meet, Nalandian leaders will discuss issues concerning the direction and future development of the society.  We wish them a wonderful and productive retreat.  Sadhu anumodana.

Talking on Education.

Bro. Tan leading the discussion on Buddhist education and propagation.

Sharing points on Dhamma.

Sharing points on Dhamma.