Bro. Tan (left) and Nalanda officers on a tour of the vast Tzu Chi complex, guided by the foundation's country head of operations, Bapa Hong Tjhin (in dark blue).
In conjunction with their official visit to Jakarta at the invitation of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI), Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan, officers led by Bro. Tong Siong Yeow, and their host the BFI Committee, visited Tzu Chi Foundation’s newly-established centre in North Jakarta. They were met at Tzu Chi by the country’s head of operations, Bapa Hong Tjhin.
The 2-year old Tzu Chi Center is the largest such facility in the world. Phase one of this huge complex sits on a 5-hectare piece of land, and consists of an administrative building, auditoriums, exhibition centre, TV studio, an elementary school, pre-school, large canteen, and other impressive facilities. Tzu Chi Indonesia employs 700 staff, with 300 of them in its DA-AI TV Station.
What was meant to be a two-hour visit ended up as a four-and-a-half hour study tour of its own! It was truly heartening that the busy Bapa Hong Tjhin spent the entire time with Nalanda and BFI visitors, guiding them through the huge complex and sharing every detail with the grateful visitors. There were lively exchange of views and notes between the Tzu Chi leader and Nalandians. The first official tour of Tzu Chi Indonesia turned out to be an insightful and inspiring visit indeed!