SP Branch members and Bro. Chiam having a group photograph with Nalandian officers at Nalanda Centre.
Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch Management Committee members Bro. Goo Chu Lai and Bro. Fong Chee Meng made a short visit to Nalanda Centre on Friday, 12 September. Joining them were Sis. Ong Yen See, who is the member in charge of ticketing sales for the branch’s upcoming charity concert, and Bro. Chiam, a youth leader at Kedah Buddhist Association.
They were warmly received at our ‘spiritual home’ by several Nalandian officers. They also had the opportunity to meet briefly with Founder Bro Tan. The visiting branch leaders later had useful discussions about their concert preparations with senior Nalandians in Sri Serdang.
The upcoming concert on 18 October in Sungai Petani aims to raise funds to establish an education and outreach centre for the branch’s community services. The proposed centre will be conveniently located in Central Kedah so as to benefit the Buddhist communities from Perlis, Kedah and Penang.