SP Branch members are grateful to meet up again with good spiritual friends.
On Saturday 13 March, Nalanda Sungai Petani (SP) Branch held its 8th Annual General Meeting at the NEO Centre in SP, with Branch Chairman Bro. Song Wai Leng presiding. The meeting was well attended by Branch members who followed the Covid-19 SOPs strictly but gladly as they gathered on this important occasion.
Bro. Song addressed his fellow members and remarked that he was inspired by their efforts in self-practice and Dhamma learning during the different stages of MCO (Movement Control Order). He hoped that in the years to come, members will also continue to engage friends and family in order to provide them with opportunities to learn Dhamma and serve Buddha-Sāsana for their own well-being. In that way, the Branch can also become more dynamic and expand its service to the community.
Dr. Song encouraged everyone to continue their Dhamma practice and learning so that we continue to make use of our time even when NEO SP is closed.
Members received the 2020 reports and voted for the auditors for the next year.
Although Nalanda President, Sis. Evelyn Chow could not be in SP for the AGM due to cross-state travel restrictions, she sent her warm regards and expressed her gratitude for the rare opportunity to have each other as kalyana mittas. Members were in high spirits and shared their appreciation for being able to learn Dhamma by joining the weekly Sunday Morning Service hosted online by the Society. We rejoice in the diligence of our SP Branch members and wish them good health. Sukhihontu.