NalandaTV Episode 9 – Members’ Convention

NalandaTV Episode 9 – Members’ Convention

Dear friends, Episode 9 of NalandaTV is now available for viewing on-line!  This episode reports on the National Members’ Convention held in Sri Serdang from 1 – 3 May, in conjunction with Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 11th Anniversary.

Nalanda members from all over the country had a wonderful time spent in great camaraderie and spiritual solidarity.  There were many touching personal sharing by Nalandians about their good friends.  Founder Bro. Tan also gave a moving and stirring talk on what it means to be a ‘good practitioner and friend’.

Watch inspiring scenes and interviews in this interesting episode!  Please click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and kindly SHARE with your family and friends.


Credits to Producer & Chief Editor : Andrew Tan | Presenter : Chan Qi Hua |
Archive Manager : Gan Jia Cheng

Thank you all!