Nalanda Youth Centre officially launched

Nalanda Youth Centre officially launched

Nalanda Youth Centre was officially launched by Bro. Goh Qing Song, in the presence of Sangha members and Buddhist community leaders.

In a simple but meaningful programme on 1 May morning, the Nalanda Youth Centre was officially launched by the Guest of Honour Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, in the presence of Ven. Sri Saranankara, other Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders.  Also present were 200 Nalanda members and guests from Malaysia and overseas.

Nalanda Youth Leader Bro. Yeo Disheng began his welcome speech by thanking everyone in entrusting Buddhist youths with meaningful roles and responsibilities.  This allows them to gain valuable experience and to grow into better people and leaders.  Nalanda President Bro. Lee Kong Foo pledged Nalanda’s full support to the Youth Centre in all their needs and programmes presently and in future.

Nalanda Youth Leader, Yeo DiSheng presenting his welcoming speech.

Bro. Goh Qing Song of YBAM then delivered a keynote speech on ‘The Role of Buddhist Youths in Dhamma Propagation’.  He mentioned that Buddhist organisations in Malaysia should not only think of reaching their members and devotees, but instead, reach out to the public with their well-thought messages.  Bro. Goh also reminded Buddhist groups to make full use of modern technology and facility to create a greater impact on the larger society.

Ven. Sri Saranankara then expressed his joy in seeing the progressive development of youths at Nalanda.  He later led other guests on a tour of the Youth Centre, and offered his blessings to everyone there.

A group photograph for the album at Nalanda Youth Library.

We wish to thank our donors, benefactors, leaders, volunteers, and everyone involved in the establishment of Nalanda Youth Centre for your great support and generosity!  Your encouragement made it possible for Nalanda youths to continue to learn and progress in the Buddha-Dhamma in a conducive and inspiring environment!  Sadhu anumodana.

Nalanda officer, Bro. Tong explaining the "Wall of Inspiration".