Nalanda youths host exchange group from Estonia

Nalanda youths host exchange group from Estonia

We hope that the bonds of Dhamma friendship between us will continue to grow.

From 28 to 30 December 2019, Nalandians were very happy to host Venerable Thitañana, founder of the Estonian Therāvadā Sangha, the Venerable Thitamedha, and nine youths from the Baltic country at Nalanda Centre for an exchange programme.  The group had also visited other Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, Cambodia, and Singapore to learn about Asian culture and the Buddhist way of life.

Members of Nalanda Youth Centre hosted our Estonian friends warmly, all of whom truly appreciated the rich experience of Nalandian culture and hospitality.  We thank them for visiting, and wish them fruitful progress in their Dhamma journey.

Nalanda officers and volunteers accorded Venerable Thitañana and Venerable Thitamedha a traditional Nalandian welcome.

Sis. Megan leading the group on a tour of Nalanda Centre.

Deputy President, Bro. Charlie explaining the mission of Wisdom Park at the Exhibition.

Venerable Thitañana gave a Dhamma talk on how Buddhists can experience true happiness.

We thank volunteers and devotees for preparing and contributing to the meal offerings.

Youths enjoying a Dhamma chat with the venerables, Bro. Tan and Bro. Siang Chye.

At the Memorial Stupa of Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda during their visit to the Buddhist Maha Vihara.

A visit to the Nalanda Book Cafe with Nalanda youths.

After learning the significance of supporting the Sangha, the youths took the opportunity to offer dāna at Sentul Vihāra.

Achariya Vijaya explaining about the influence of Sri Lankan monks on the development of Buddhism in Malaysia.

We thank Venerable Thitañana for his kind gift of a Buddha image.

The youth groups expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to build bonds of friendships.