The organising team had its final meeting on Friday, 22 July, to coordinate efforts in ensuring smooth operations and a successful event.
After weeks of preparations, Nalandians are now ready to host the annual “Family Fun Fair” next Sunday – on 31 July. Well, ‘almost’ ready! There are certainly finer details to be looked into, but by and large, the Fun Fair organizing team and volunteers have done a remarkable job in completing 80% of preparatory work. Sadhu anumodana!
This year’s “Family Fun Fair” aims to raise funds to expand Nalanda Dhamma School by constructing the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang. The new building is scheduled for completion in 2018, and will be able to accommodate an additional 100 Dhamma students.
Head of Programme Committee Bro. Nicholas briefing the organising team on the performances to be staged on that day. Youths play a significant role in planning, leading and executing major events at Nalanda.
We invite everyone to come forward to support this fund-raising effort for a noble cause. Today, your donation to help education is like planting seeds in fertile ground. Tomorrow, innumerable people in the community are going to reap the sweet fruits of your contributions!
So come one and all to support the “Family Fun Fair” next weekend for the welfare of present and future generations. Let’s help provide holistic education to more people in order to achieve greater well-being, success, and happiness in the world. Thank you!