(From left) Bro. Koh, Bro. Chim, and Bro.Tan offering requisites to Ven. Dhammavuddho on behalf of the congregation.
On Friday 28 February, Mr. and Mrs. Koh Lai Huat of Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) invited Ven. Dhammavuddho Maha Thero for lunch dāna in Kampar. 10 Nalandian officers traveled there to join some SJBA members, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) lecturer, students and local Kampar devotees in offering the noon meal.
Plans are afoot to establish ‘Mangala Lodge’ – a Buddhist hostel facility to house Buddhist students studying at UTAR. Dāna at the proposed premises in Kampar Putra was the first official gathering to announce the project.
Also present at the auspicious function was Bro. Chim Siew Choon, Chairman of the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia cum President of SJBA. Ven. Dhammavuddho, Mr. Koh, Bro.Tan, and Bro.Chim gave short speeches to encourage everyone to support the noble project.
The SJBA and Nalandian entourage later dropped in to visit Vihāra Buddha Gotama in Temoh, where Ven. Dhammavuddho is the Abbot. The group then offered donations to the Sangha Trust Fund, before returning to the Klang Valley. We thank Mr. and Mrs. Koh for kindly hosting us, and we rejoice over their noble efforts to propagate the learning and practice of Buddha-Dhamma in Kampar. Sadhu anumodana!