Bro. Tan giving a speech to thank the Māha Sangha and individual monks for their immense and invaluable contributions to society and Buddha-Sāsana.
On Friday 11 April, Nalandian officers and devotees visited the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul and the Buddhist Māha Vihāra in Brickfields in conjunction with the Sinhala New Year celebration. Bro. Tan and Deputy President Bro. Lee Teck Beng led the Nalandians to pay respects to the Māha Sangha and to wish the Sri Lankan venerables a joyous new year.
Nalanda officers having an interview with Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero, Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul, after Sanghika Dāna.
Nalandians also performed Sanghika Dāna at the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple and dedicated merits to all beings in need. After Dāna, Nalanda officers paid respects to the temple’s Abbot, Ven. B. Sri Saranankara. The Nalanda team later visited the Buddhist Māha Vihāra and made a courtesy call on its Abbot, Ven. K. Sri Dhammaratana. Sadhu anumodana!