Nalandians vote for continuing progress

Nalandians vote for continuing progress

Emcee Sis. Joanne (right) welcoming members to the 14th A.G.M.

Emcee for the meeting Sis. Joanne Tan (right) welcoming members to the 14th A.G.M.

Nalanda members concluded yet another successful Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) on Sunday 12 March – the 14th edition since the Society’s establishment in 2003.  As customary, the meeting was preceded by paying homage to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha at the main Shrine Hall of Nalanda Centre, followed by ‘Achariya-abhivādana’ – paying respects to our late spiritual adviser, Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, at Sumangala Room.

Bro. Charlie Teng leading the Tiratana-Vandana in the main Shrine Hall.

Bro. Charlie Teng leading the ‘Tiratana-Vandana’ in the main Shrine Hall preceding the meeting.

Paying respects to our late Spiritual Adviser, Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, at Sumangala Room.

Paying respects to our late Spiritual Adviser, Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, at Sumangala Room.

The recitation of Nalandian "Core Values" and invocation for meetings.

The recitation of Nalandian “Core Values” and invocation for meetings.

The meeting proper started at 2.15pm with a speech by President Sis. Evelyn and a motivating talk by Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.  Thereafter, the Secretariat and Treasury tabled their annual reports on the workings of the Society and financial standing, respectively.

The meeting also deliberated on amendments to several articles of the Constitution which were proposed by the outgoing Board of Management.  After discussions, the membership approved the Constitutional amendments as well as the proposed building and development funding for 2017-2018.

President Sis. Evelyn giving her speech at the start of the A.G.M.

President Sis. Evelyn giving her speech at the start of the A.G.M.

Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee tabling the Society's annual report.

Honorary Secretary Bro. Pee tabling the Society’s annual report.

Board member Bro. Lee explaining the rationale behind the proposed Constitutional amendment.

Board member Bro. Lee explaining the rationale behind the proposed Constitutional amendment.

This being an election year, the outgoing Board of Management whose two-year term expired at the A.G.M. was dissolved.  Nalanda members elected a new Board of Management, essentially retaining nine out of eleven members from the previous Board.  Sis. Margaret Ng and Mudita Chan retired from the Board after serving two continuous terms.

President Sis. Evelyn and Deputy President Bro. Charlie Teng retained their respective positions.  The new Honorary Secretary is Sis. Santi Cheang; while the Honorary Treasurer is Sis. Chan Mei Yee.  The new Board of Management will take their oath of office on 1 May 2017.

Members voting to approve the building and development budget for 2017-2018.

Members voting to approve the building and development budget for 2017-2018.

Nalanda members gave a hearty ovation to the outgoing Board members to thank them for their wonderful services to the Society and community.  They also wished the incoming Board members the very best in leading the Society forward and upward!  Sadhu anumodana.

Nalanda members at the 14th Annual General Meeting.

Nalanda members at the 14th Annual General Meeting.