NEO Centre – “Small is beautiful”

NEO Centre – “Small is beautiful”

A welcoming beacon at night.

NEO Centre Sungai Petani shines like a welcoming beacon at night.

Since its opening last month, the Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Sungai Petani has received many compliments for its simple elegance and pragmatic design.  The 4,300 square feet facility houses a Dhamma Teaching & Meditation Hall, a reference library, office, meeting room, two guest rooms, and a kitchen.

Simple and elegant Buddha-Altar.

A simple Buddha-Altar sits in the Dhamma Teaching & Meditation Hall.

An important facility at the newly-opened Centre is the ‘Pustaka Nalanda’ branch library.  Nestled on the mezzanine floor, the beautiful small library has two wings – the ‘Uttara’ wing houses English translations of Pāli Tipitakā, books on meditation, and reference materials; the ‘Sona’ wing houses general Dhamma books and Mandarin titles.

Pustaka Nalanda Branch Library in Sungai Petani.

The ‘Sona’ wing of the library houses general Dhamma books in English and Mandarin.

Spacious corridor leading to the Meeting Room (left), Office, and the Library.

Spacious corridor leading to the Meeting Room (left), Office, and the Library.

Though modest in size, the Centre appears bright, airy and spacious, making it a conducive place for learning and meditating.  We thank donors and sponsors for your generous contributions in making NEO Centre in Kedah a reality today.  Sadhu anumodana!

Shrine dedicated to the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda.

A strategic corner dedicated to Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda. The late venerable was the ‘Sanghanayaka’ of Malaysia; he passed away in August 2006.