Nepali Bhikkhus visit Nalanda

Nepali Bhikkhus visit Nalanda

Venerables Kolita Thera (left) and Saddhatissa Thera making offerings to the Three Jewels upon their arrival at Nalanda Centre.

Venerables Kolita Thera (left) and Saddhatissa Thera making offerings to the Three Jewels upon their arrival at Nalanda Centre.

On Sunday 17 April, two senior Theravada bhikkhus from Nepal visited Nalanda Centre for a familiarisation tour.  Venerables Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa Thera were warmly received by Society President Sis. Evelyn Chow together with other senior officers.

Venerable Kolita is the founder of ‘Buddha Bhumi Buddhist Center’ in Kathmandu – a charity society that provides various aid including education for young Nepali students.  He is also a lecturer at Lumbini’s Theravada Buddhist Academy, and an Executive Board Member of the All Nepal Bhikkhu Association.

Venerables  Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa Thera were warmly received by Nalandian officers.

Venerables Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa Thera were warmly received by Nalandian officers.

The visiting venerables later met with Nalanda founder Bro.Tan for an hour-long discussion on the development of Theravada Buddhism.  Ven. Kolita and Ven. Saddhatissa also invited Bro.Tan to visit Kathmandu soon as a follow up to their visit, to which he gladly accepted.  He signaled that officers and youths may be sent to Nepal and India to expose more Nalandians to Dhamma propagation programmes overseas.

Venerables with Nalanda founder Bro. Tan in a discussion on the development of Theravada Buddhism.

Venerables with Nalanda founder Bro. Tan in a discussion on the development of Theravada Buddhism.

Bro.Tan expressed concern to the venerables about the fate of many Nepalis resulting from the devastating earthquake in April 2015, where more than 8,000 people perished.  Last year, Nalanda had collected donations to aid the earthquake victims, and all the funds had been disbursed accordingly.

Venerables  Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa were visiting Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation tour.

Venerables Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa were visiting Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation tour.

We thank Venerables Kolita and Saddhatissa for their kind visit and wish them every success in their noble endeavours.  Anumodana.

Venerables given a tour of Nalanda Centre.

Venerables given a tour of Nalanda Centre.