New book by Ajahn Jayasaro at Pustaka Nalanda

New book by Ajahn Jayasaro at Pustaka Nalanda

“A wonderful read and a marvelous book!” – Bro.Tan. It is now available at Pustaka Nalanda.

On Saturday 5 April, President of Buddhadasa Indapañño Archives Dr. Bunchar Pongpanich presented Nalanda Library with precious copies of “WITHOUT and WITHIN – Questions and Answers on the Teachings of Theravāda Buddhism”, in conjunction with Bro. Tan’s visit to Bangkok.  The book authored by Phra Ajahn Jayasaro is a collection of 150 questions and answers on Theravāda teachings on various subjects such as the Three Jewels, Buddhist attitudes, and the Path of Practice.

Dr. Bunchar Pongpanich presenting the book to Bro. Tan in an event in Bangkok on 5 April 2014.

In his foreword to the book, the famous Thai Buddhist Scholar Phra Ajahn Payutto wrote: “Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, making it interesting and not overly-academic in tone.  Furthermore, he has drawn upon his extensive experience in both the study and practice of Buddhism, and also in teaching it to others, to select appropriate topics. He has observed and reflected on which matters are commonly of interest to people, and which matters would be good for them to understand.”

Phra Ajahn Jayasaro was ordained a ‘bhikkhu’ in 1980 with one of Thailand’s most renowned Buddhist monks – Ajahn Chah – as his preceptor. Between 1997 and 2002, Ajahn Jayasaro was the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat, the international monastery of Ajahn Chah’s lineage. Since 2003, he has been living alone in the foothills of Khao Yai mountains.

Teacher and author Phra Ajahn Jayasaro at Nalanda House on one of his visits to Malaysia.

This book will be most helpful to Malaysian Buddhists to learn about Theravāda doctrines and practice.  We are grateful to Ajahn Jayasaro for authoring this long-awaited volume.  We also thank Buddhadasa Indapañño Archives (BIA) for producing 84,000 (a symbolic number no doubt!) of this priceless book for free distribution, all generous sponsors of the books, and everyone involved in this noble endeavor.  Sadhu anumodana!

Ajahn’s invaluable book is now available at Pustaka Nalanda’s Main Library in Sri Serdang, and will soon be made available in our branch libraries in Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru.