Nalanda Buddhist Society has just printed another 17,000 copies of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets, namely “Nibbāna for Everyone” (NEW release), “Kamma in Buddhism”*, “Living in the Present”*, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing”* (*all second editions) for free distribution throughout Malaysia. In addition, Nalanda Institute also published a new book – “The Buddha-Word : Discovering the Essential” – for WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference held on 1 July.
We would like to thank all generous devotees who sponsored these books for printing and distribution this month. We at Nalanda rejoice over your wholesome and meritorious deed in making these books available for the public to learn Buddha-Dhamma.
The second editions of these three booklets were also published in July for wider distribution throughout Malaysia and Singapore.
We are grateful to the original publishers of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets in Thailand and the United States of America for allowing their reprinting here. We are also thankful to Pustaka Nalanda, the WACANA Editorial team, and the local printers for their effort to edit and publish the books. Sadhu anumodana.
“The gift of Dhamma excels all gifts!” – Dhammapada, verse 354.