New courses on Buddhist Devotion

New courses on Buddhist Devotion

The courses will be conducted by experienced lecturers, including Nalanda Institute’s Director, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama.

Nalanda Institute Malaysia, under the Department of Buddhist & Pali Studies, is offering a new series of courses on Buddhist devotion with the theme “Walking the Buddhist Path”.  This series integrates four modules to promote understanding and practice of Dhamma.

This series of courses is suitable for beginners and new-comers to Buddhism.  Participants can choose to attend any session suited to their interests, but are strongly encouraged to attend all four modules to gain a complete understanding of Buddhist devotion.


The modules being offered are as follows :

BPS 0321 – Module 1 : Buddhist Devotional Practice | 19 April 2014

The devotional aspect of Buddhism is important for one to gain spiritual solace. As the Dhamma is realized inwardly, one should put in effort to understand and not just conform to external activities.


BPS 0322 – Module 2 : Going for Refuge and Keeping Precepts | 26 April 2014

Many people seek refuge in materialism, sensual pleasures, fantasies, and even in liquor and drugs.  By taking refuge in the Three Jewels and observing Precepts, Buddhists resolve their problems with Buddha’s teaching as a guide, and gradually work towards liberation from clinging and suffering.


BPS 0323 – Module 3 : Correct Practices, Faith, and Devotion | 3 May 2014

After learning the Buddha-Dhamma and understanding its importance and significance, one who gradually practises the Dhamma will develop greater confidence and faith, until it becomes an unshakeable conviction that the Noble Truths lead to ultimate happiness.


BPS 0324 – Module 4 : True Significance of Wesak | 10 May 2014

‘Wesak Full-moon Day’ or ‘Buddha Day’ commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing Away of Buddha Gotama.  Understand the true meaning and significance of Wesak, and learn how to properly observe this sacred day.


All courses are scheduled on Saturdays, from 3 pm – 6 pm, at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  All the courses are FREE.

On-line registration is available now.  Please register early by logging-on to

For further information, kindly contact Sis. Visakhā Goh at 016-238-0023. You may also email to us at  Thank you.