New-Moon Uposatha Service

New-Moon Uposatha Service

Bro. Tan urged everyone to be heedful and to seek true happiness rather than worldly happiness.

On Monday 31 March, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the New-moon Uposatha (Observance) Day pūja and chanting.  The day also marked the conclusion of 7-day prayers for the casualties of MH370, which started since the broadcast of the heartbreaking official news on 24 March on the crash of the airplane in the Indian Ocean.

During the Dhamma-sharing session, Sis. Sugandha Ooi spoke about how the Buddha averted a conflict between the Koliyans and Sakyans, based on Dhammapada verses 197 – 199.  Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan also gave a brief talk where he urged everyone to be heedful and to seek true happiness, rather than worldly happiness which is baited.  “Be constantly meditative, even when we are not meditating.  We can be meditative by always maintaining wise reflection in accordance with Dhamma,” Bro. Tan reminded.

The congregation dedicating merits to the casualties of MH370, and to all beings in need.

After the brief yet uplifting talk, Bro. Tan led the congregation to dedicate merits to the casualties of MH370 and to all beings in need.  It was a truly spiritual evening and a fitting finale to our 7-day prayers and tribute to the 239 people who perished in this tragedy, as well as to their grieving families.  We further pray that the wreckage of the B777 can be found soon so that it may bring closure, and perhaps, some degree of consolation, to many despondent hearts.  May all beings be at Peace.