New Year retreat with Ajahn Vajiro

New Year retreat with Ajahn Vajiro

We are grateful to Ajahn Vajiro for guiding this 1-day retreat.

On the first day of the year, Nalandians warmly welcomed Venerable Ajahn Vajiro to Wisdom Park, his first visit to the educational campus.   Nalanda Youth leaders and members took the opportunity to seek his advice as part of their annual Fuel-up Camp to prepare themselves for the year ahead.

Nalandians greet Ajahn Vajiro upon his arrival.

Welcoming Ajahn at the Main Shrine Hall.

The youth group seeking Ajahn’s advice on community outreach as well as on their own spiritual progress.

Ajahn is brought on a guided tour of Wisdom Park.

Bro. Charlie explained the layout of Liberation Park.

Ajahn thanks the group for taking him on the guided tour.

The next day, on Monday 2 January, Ajahn Vajiro conducted a 1-day meditation retreat for members and regular volunteers.  Ajahn reminded us to be persistent in being in the present moment and not be distracted by thoughts of the past or future.  He said that we live only in this exact moment as life is a process of receiving and responding to experiences.

We are grateful to Ajahn Vajiro for visiting us and his valuable advise for us to progress in our Dhamma cultivation.  May Ajahn be blessed with good health and success in all his noble endeavours.  Sadhu.

On Monday, the retreat started with guidance from Ajahn Vajiro.

Noticing the feelings of the body, as guided by Ajahn.

Participants focus their efforts on walking meditation.

Offering of meal dana to Ajahn.

Asking Ajahn questions to clear doubts.

Sis. Nandini led the group in thanking Ajahn and asking for forgiveness. May Ajahn be successful in practice and Dhammaduta.

Sis. Nandini thanks Ajahn for his guidance, and humbly invite Ajahn to come back to Nalanda and Wisdom Park to teach.