News & Updates

15 July 2020

Gratitude changes our attitude in life

Every day, we experience a myriad of emotions and endless thoughts.  Fleeting moments of happiness may be replaced with annoyance, anger or anxiety as we react to events unfolding around us.  By being aware of negative feelings and their impact on our outlook in life, we can change our attitude by cultivating gratitude which brings with it contentment, peace and joy.

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10 July 2020

Reflection connects learning to life

Reflection is a process for us to connect the Dhamma with what we hear, see and experience.  Connecting what we have learnt to life’s experiences gives us deeper insights which transforms our perspectives towards these experiences and life itself.

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7 July 2020

Learning and growing with our children

Being a father or mother is a rewarding life experience which comes with a heavy responsibility towards our children.  When a child is born, we tend to his or her every need and comfort.  As they grow up, we need to mature with them by developing our skills to be their teacher, mentor and supporter.

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4 July 2020

‘Dhamma Day’ Forum on Sigālovāda Sutta

Dhamma Day is observed on the full-moon day of Asalha to commemorate the day that the Buddha set in motion the ‘Wheel of Dhamma’ over 2,600 years ago.  This year's observance on Sunday, 5 July at 9.30am features a Dhamma Forum on ‘Lessons from Sigālovāda Sutta’ with Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, Achariya Tan Siang Chye and Sis. Buddhinī Tan.

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3 July 2020

Passing of Sayadaw Nyanapurnik

It is with deep respect and a heavy heart that we observe the passing away of Most Venerable Sayadaw Nyanapurnik Mahathera, the Sanghanāyaka of Nepal, on 3 July 2020.  Sayadaw succumbed to old-age illnesses which he had been battling for several years, and passed away peacefully early this morning.  He was 81.

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1 July 2020

Nalanda Institute Malaysia’s 13th Anniversary

In conjunction with Nalanda Institute’s 13th anniversary, its Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye shares his message on the Institute’s progress thus far and challenges amidst the global Coronavirus pandemic. 

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29 June 2020

‘Dhamma Day’ this Sunday

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of the Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment. We joyfully invite you to join the online ‘Dhamma Day’ Service this Sunday 5 July at 9.30am on 'Facebook Live' to observe this auspicious occasion.

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28 June 2020

The Covid-19 surge is not over

The world marked another grim milestone today with 10 million confirmed Covid-19 infections resulting in more than 500,000 deaths. Four large countries – the United States of America, Brazil, Russia and India – account for 50% of all cases reported globally. Indeed, the epicentre of this pandemic has shifted from Asia to Europe, North America, and now to Latin America.

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25 June 2020

Right Effort to free our minds

Do you recall the last time you said or did something which was hurtful to others or yourself?  We may even have dwelled over those incidents and wished that we had done the right thing instead.  Regrets cloud our minds because we have been honed in unproductive ways and are often driven by cravings, selfish needs or laziness.  These unwholesome habits can be uprooted through Right Effort.

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21 June 2020

Happy Father’s Day

He carried us on his shoulders and lends his sturdy hand in our times of need.  He cares for our well-being and cautions us sternly if we go down the wrong path.  Bearing his familial duty devotedly, a father is resilient, courageous and compassionate.

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