Today marks the 4th year of MH370’s mysterious disappearance over the Indian Ocean. Many family members of those who perished are still in agony over not knowing the actual fate of their loved ones.
Read moreIn 1975, the United Nations adopted 8 March annually as the day to highlight the plight of women worldwide. In many countries and cultures, women had been discriminated against in employment, social benefits, political processes, and even in religion. The situation gradually improved with awareness coupled with changing attitudes, and by providing equal opportunities in education for women.
Read moreAfter days of intensive Dhamma-learning sessions, leadership workshops, discussions and meditation, the inaugural batch of two bhikkhus and 17 Buddhist Youth leaders from India will be ending their training programme in Malaysia tomorrow morning.
Read moreIndia, the land of the Buddha, has not had a proper Buddhist monks’ training centre for locals in modern times. Observing the critical need of having one, Upasaka Dr. Harshadeep Kamble, a senior government officer from Mumbai, his wife Mrs. Rojana Vanich Kamble, galvanised the All India Bhikkhu Sangha to construct such a facility in the vicinity of Aurangabad in Maharashtra State, Western India.
Read moreIGNITE 2018 gathers passionate Buddhist youths for an open and insightful discussion with visionary community leaders including Nalanda founder Bro.Tan, Buddhist Gem Fellowship President Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, former President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia Bro. Goh Qing Song, Buddhist stalwart Datuk Charlie Chia, Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye, and Director of Nalanda Dhamma School Sis. Sunanda Ong.
Read moreFriday 2 March marks the celebration of “Chap Goh Meh” – the 15th and last day of Chinese New Year festivities. It is a traditional day for family members and friends to gather and wish each other blessings for the rest of the year. Nalanda wishes everyone a joyful and meaningful celebration with much goodwill and generosity. Happy “Chap Goh Meh”!
Read moreNalanda Centre warmly welcomed two groups of Buddhist Youth leaders from India, with a party of eight from Maharashtra arriving last night, and another group of eleven Ladakhis arriving this morning. Svagatam! Welcome to Malaysia.
Read moreThe success of every organisation or community hinges upon good leadership. Despite obvious needs to grow Buddhist leadership, there is still a lack of sustainable effort to create and groom new leaders, especially from among today’s youths.
Read moreFrom 27 February to 7 March 2018, Nalanda Buddhist Society will host the inaugural “Indian Buddhist Youth Leaders’ Training Programme” in Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur. Nalanda is undertaking this important project in partnership with several Buddhist organizations in India as part of our long-term vision to propagate Buddha-Dhamma in its land of origin, and to revitalize the proper learning and practice of Buddhism there.
Read moreNalanda is building the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ for holistic community education, especially to cater for the expansion of Nalanda Dhamma School. Construction is progressing well, and work is estimated to be 50% completed as of today.
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