On Monday 5 January, devotees had an inspiring evening listening to Ayya Santinī’s Dhamma talk for Full-moon Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre. Ayya pointed out to us that we have the tendency to do things according to what we like, eventhough it is not right. We easily succumb to our senses and take things for granted without being aware that’s the reason we continue to do the unwholesome.
Read moreAfter almost six years of painful and ultimately futile austerities, Siddhattha Gotama abandoned the practice of self-mortification that did not lead to liberation from suffering. He then came to the bank of Nerañjara River, to the village of Senanigāma.
Read moreOn Sunday 4 January, we were honoured to have Venerable Chang Zao and Venerable Ayya Santinī for Dhamma talk and ‘ovada’ (advice) respectively on our first Service Sunday for the New Year.
Read moreOn Saturday 27 December, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch held our 10th Members’ Day, the last for the year 2014 at Gurun Buddhist Association. Bro. Khaw Keng Hooi’s sharing on “Forgiveness” was a timely reminder for members to reflect upon before the new year. Branch Secretary, Sis. Sumedha shared on the importance of being proactive and giving service to the community.
Read moreOn Thursday 25 December, a memorial service was held at Nalanda Centre to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami. The calamity on that fateful day had impacted millions around the world.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 December, Nalanda Buddhist Society hosted the final ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) programme for year 2014 at the Seri Kembangan morning market. Three venerable monks from Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple, Sentul participated in this alms-round.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 December, more than 30 children aged between 12 to 15 years old participated in an interesting workshop, conducted by Bro. Aggaphala at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 December, 18 members from Central Kedah Buddhist Association paid a visit to Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. They were warmly welcome and hosted by Director of Nalanda Centre, Sis. Nandini and Nalandian officers. The group was brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Nalanda Youth Centre. Our Kedahan visitors were impressed with the peaceful ambience and colourful design of the Youth Centre.
Read moreAfter leaving Rajagaha, Siddhattha Gotama went to the vicinity of Uruvela to further his cultivation towards liberation. There, He was joined by five ascetics in the practice of extreme abstinence from food, rest, and any semblance of comfort, in the belief that such self-mortification can lead to the liberation of the mind from craving and clinging.
Read moreFrom 18 – 21 December, Nalanda Dharma School facilitators and students jointly organised a successful camp for 72 children ranging from 8 – 12 years old. Throughout the four days spent at Nalanda Centre, the children and volunteers resonated with the theme of the camp – ‘love and respect’.
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