On Sunday 7 December, students from the International Medical University (IMU) in Bukit Jalil paid a visit to Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. They were warmly received and hosted by Nalandian youths. The group spent 4 hours touring the facilities including Nalanda Youth Centre, Youth Library, and the Main Reference Library.
Read moreOn Saturday 6 December, Ajahn Sujato from Australia was invited to Nalanda’s monthly Pindacāra Programme in Sri Petaling. Thereafter Ajahn gave a Dhamma talk and accepted lunch dāna at NEO Centre Happy Garden. Ajahn Sujato later paid a visit to Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang, where he met with Founder Bro. Tan for discussions on Buddhist education. We thank Ajahn Sujato for his talk and visit to Nalanda. Sadhu anumodana!
Read moreIn the 7th Century BCE, Rājagaha (modern-day Rajgir) was the old capital city of Magadha Kingdom. During the reign of King Bimbisara, it was one of the largest cities in the world. King Bimbisara was a good administrator and a generous, spiritual person. Thus, many religious and meditation teachers of the day were attracted to Rājagaha due to his munificent support.
Read moreFor the past few days, Nalandians have been coming back to the Centre daily to help with house-keeping and cleaning. There is a lot of camaraderie and esprit-de-corps as they heeded the call for duty and returned to the Centre on their days off to help with the cleanup and maintenance work.
Read moreOn Sunday 30 November, Nalanda’s Deputy President Bro. Lee Teck Beng, Board Member Mrs. Choo, and Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini visited ‘Rumah Warga Mas Penyayang’ (Translation: “Caring Senior Citizens’ Home”), a newly-opened facility to house senior citizens in Seri Kembangan.
Read moreNalanda Buddhist Society members nationwide are invited to participate in the 2nd National Members’ Convention to be held over 4 days starting 31 December 2014. The theme of this convention is “Towards Transformation – Challenges and Opportunities”. There will be talks and sharing by teachers and Nalandian leaders on preparing ourselves to meet upcoming tribulations.
Read moreOn Sunday 23 November, devotees were delighted to learn about the Buddha’s teaching on ‘cause and effects’. Speaker Datuk Charlie Chia skillfully explained human conditions relative to ‘Kamma’. All beings are owners and heirs to the effects of their actions. Therefore, by maintaining wholesome actions, we are nurturing good conditions for our future well-being.
Read moreIn November, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch Chairman Bro. Khaw, Deputy Chairman Bro. Teoh, Treasurer Bro. Por and Committee Member Bro. Fong made a trip to Nalanda Centre to meet with Bro Tan. The meeting at our ‘spiritual home’ in Sri Serdang was to brief Bro. Tan and Nalanda’s Board of Management on plans to construct the proposed Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Bandar Mutiara, Sungai Petani.
Read moreIn the 7th Century BCE, Kapilavatthu was the capital of Sakka (also spelled ‘Sakya’) Kingdom, a small but prosperous principality south of the Himalayas rich in agriculture. The most famous king to have reigned there was King Suddhodana and his consort Queen Māyādevī, who were the parents of Prince Siddhattha Gotama (who later became Sakyamuni Buddha).
Read moreToday marks 9 months since Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished over the Indian Ocean with 239 people on board. The missing passengers and their loved ones are always in our thoughts. Let us spend a moment in quiet reflection and generate thoughts of mettā (loving kindness) and karunā (compassion) to the grieving families. May they find Strength and Peace.
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