News & Updates

27 October 2014

The ‘real’ Master Xuan Zang 玄奘大師

Saturday, 1 November | 7.45pm | Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur

This Saturday, Nalanda Buddhist Society proudly presents an original musical by Han Production – ‘Xuan Zang – Journey to the West’ – to be performed at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur. This fabulous musical depicts the perilous travels of Venerable Master Xuan Zang from China to India and back, in his determined quest to obtain Buddhist teachings and scriptures for his native land.

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27 October 2014

Thank you for the Wonderful Support!

Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch Management Committee would like to thank all organisers, sponsors, donors, and volunteers for our recent fund-raising concert – “Melodies for the Heart” – held in Sungai Petani on 18 October.  The concert was an unequivocal success due to all your kind and generous support!

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26 October 2014

Reopening of Srivijaya Seminar Hall today

Dear friends, we are happy to announce that the Srivijaya Seminar Hall at Level 3 of Nalanda Centre is reopened today!  After being closed 2 months for renovations, the Seminar Hall is being used for the first time since August for the Nalanda Members’ Day this afternoon.  We would like to thank our benefactors, contractors, and all Nalandians for your kind contributions and well-wishes.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  We rejoice at the reopening!

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25 October 2014

Commemorating Venerable Narada Nayaka Thero

Sunday, 26 October | 9.00 am – 11.30 am | Nalanda Centre

Pustaka Nalanda is organising a commemoration service for Venerable Narada Nāyaka Maha Thera, a prolific Dhamma teacher, speaker, writer and commentator.  Join us tomorrow morning for a presentation by the Director of Pustaka Nalanda, Bro. Ānanda Fong, on the life of the late Ven. Narada and his immense contribution to the propagation of the Buddha’s teachings in many countries.  Svagatam!  All are welcome!

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25 October 2014

Spending Deepavali Holiday Wholesomely

While youngsters nowadays relish at the prospect of ‘sleeping in’ on a public holiday, many Nalanda youths and Dharma School students answered the call to service instead on the recent Deepavali public holiday.  The young Nalandians got up early on Wednesday, and arrived at Nalanda Centre ready to do clean-up.  The ‘cleaning session’ was called by the office to tidy up Levels 2 and 3 in preparation for many upcoming activities at the end of October.

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24 October 2014

Nalanda Members’ Day in October

This weekend, Nalanda members will again gather for our regular Members’ Day, where we get updates on the Society’s recent programmes and development.  It is also an important occasion to catch up with our friends and to encourage each other in our spiritual practice and well-being.

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23 October 2014

Resurrecting the ‘true’ Master Xuan Zang

Nalanda Buddhist Society proudly present an original musical by Han Production – <Xuan Zang Journey to the West> – to be performed at Istana Budaya Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 1 November, 7.45pm.  This fabulous musical depicts the ‘real’ Master Xuan Zang – who was bestowed the title of “Great Tripitaka Master of Tang Dynasty” (唐三藏) on account of his great scholarship and mastery of Buddhist teachings by the Emperor of China.

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22 October 2014

Special visit by Ven. Sri Saranankara

On Saturday 18 October, Ven. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero, Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Kuala Lumpur, dropped by for an impromptu visit to the Nalanda Centre annex building under renovation.  The venerable had come from an earlier Nalanda Pindacāra Programme in nearby Seri Kembangan.  He was warmly received upon arrival by Founder Bro. Tan and other officers.

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22 October 2014

Happy Deepavali to All

On this festive occasion, Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Hindu friends a “Joyous Diwali” filled with amity, harmony, and peace!  Enjoy a wonderful celebration with family and friends, and discover a ‘world of brightness and light’ in others, and within ourselves.

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21 October 2014

Nalanda Building Progress – 160th day

Today marks the 160th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began in mid-May.  Overall, the annex building is 83% completed, while the remaining work is progressing well.  The new roof structure spanning two lots is also 100% done.  For these past few months, we are very thankful to have achieved a 100% safety record, thanks to good cooperation from the consultants, builders, sub-contractors, and Nalandians.

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