News & Updates

12 October 2014

Strengthening Community Fellowship in Kedah

In early October, Nalanda Institute Malaysia organized a special study tour for BPS402 Higher Certificate students to Bujang Valley, Kedah.  The group of 40 Nalanda Institute officers and students enjoyed 3 days of compact learning in and around Sungai Petani, including at the Archaeological Museum in Merbok, and the Sungai Batu excavation site.

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11 October 2014

Nalanda Building Progress – 150th day

Today marks the 150th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began.  The new roof structure was installed last week, and work is progressing well on all levels.  The Building Committee is working hard to ensure the earlier hand-over of Levels 2 and 3 so as to facilitate the hosting of major upcoming events such as “Sangha Day”, holiday camps, and members’ convention.

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10 October 2014

Road Show and Community Outreach

On Sunday 5 October, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch members organised a successful community outreach activity at the EUPE Food-court in Taman Ria Jaya, Sungai Petani.  The purpose of the road show was to promote the upcoming “Melodies for the Heart” fund-raising concert to be held there on 18 October.  The concert aims to raise funds to build the proposed Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Bandar Mutiara, Sungai Petani, to serve the Buddhist community in the Northern Region. Read more
9 October 2014

‘Mindful’ Trip to Putrajaya

On Sunday 28 September, Nalanda Dharma School students went on a trip to Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya, to practise meditation outdoors.  Students started the day with chanting, followed by light physical exercise; they were then ready for meditation.  Students were introduced to ‘walking meditation’, using their movement as meditation ‘object’.  After the walking session, they continued with another round of sitting meditation.

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8 October 2014

Remembering MH370 – 7 months on

Today marks 7 months since the mysterious disappearance of MH370 over the Indian Ocean on 8 March, with 239 people on board.  Let us spare a moment in quiet reflection to honour the victims and their loved ones.  As today is a Full-moon Uposatha Day, we cordially invite you to join us at Nalanda Centre for Pūja, meditation, and Dhamma-sharing.  Let us generate thoughts of mettā (loving kindness) and compassion to the grieving families of the passengers and crew.  May they be at Peace.

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8 October 2014

Gift of “Eastern Horizon” from YBAM

On Sunday 28 September, Bro. Ooi Chin Chye and Sis. Teh Soo Tyng, Manager of “Eastern Horizon” Buddhist magazine, visited Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.  They were warmly received by Nalanda’s Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhinī and Nalanda officers.

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7 October 2014

Full-moon Uposatha Day Service

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 8 October) is the full-moon day of ‘Assayuja’ month, which marks the end of the 3-month annual ‘Vassana’ (‘Rains Retreat’) period for Theravada monks.  We will observe this auspicious occasion at Nalanda Centre with Pūja (offerings to the ‘Three Jewels’), meditation, and Dhamma-sharing.  We cordially invite everyone to join us for this Uposatha Day Service starting at 8.00 pm.  All are welcome!

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7 October 2014

Memorial Pūja and Service Sunday

Report by Lim Jie Sheng.

On Sunday 28 September, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to attend the Memorial Pūja in conjunction with the 1st anniversary of the passing of the most Venerable Prof. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero and Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka.  The late Ven. Anuruddha was one of Founder Bro. Tan’s teachers.

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6 October 2014

Fund-raising Concert for Sungai Petani Centre

Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch will be hosting a fund-raising concert on Saturday, 18 October 2014, to raise funds for the proposed “Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre” in Bandar Mutiara, Sungai Petani.  The proposed NEO Centre will function as the branch’s administrative and activity centre, and provide another much-needed place for the Buddhist community in Northern Malaysia to learn Buddha-Dhamma.

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5 October 2014

Semester 2 of Mandarin Buddhist Studies in JB

Report by Rose Cho and Muditā Chan

On 27 and 28 September, Semester 2 of the Mandarin Buddhist Studies Course offered by Nalanda Institute continued at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, after the first semester ended in mid-July.  Participants were enthusiastic and eager to learn as Sis. Nandinī Tan covered the topic of ‘Ten Wholesome and Unwholesome Deeds’.

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