News & Updates

4 October 2014

Lecture on the Buddha’s Mission

On Saturday 27 September, Nalanda Institute’s BPS402 Higher Certificate Course participants attended Lecture 7 on “The Buddha’s Mission”.  The session was conducted by Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the Director of Nalanda Institute.  He gave a great account of the early development of Buddha-Sasana and the Buddha’s own lifetime.  The next session of this 5-month course is scheduled on Saturday, 11 October.

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3 October 2014

“Xuan Zang – Journey to the West” Musical

“Xuan Zang – Journey to the West”  <玄奘西游 – 音乐剧>

Saturday, 1 November | 7.45 pm | Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia proudly presents an original musical produced by Han Production – “Xuan Zang Journey to the West” 《玄奘西游音乐剧》 – which will be performed on 1 November at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur.

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3 October 2014

Ven. Sujatha visits Nalanda Centre

Report by Muditā Chan

On Tuesday 23 September, Venerable Sujatha Thero, Abbot of Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple in Woodstock, Illinois, USA, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation visit.  He was accompanied by Venerables Indarathana and Srirathana.  The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandian officers including host Bro. Pee Che Yong, who brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.

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2 October 2014

Practising ‘Mettā’ with Dr. Victor Wee

On 21 September, Dato’ Seri Dr. Victor Wee gave a Dhamma talk during Service Sunday on ‘Mettā’ (Loving kindness) at Nalanda Centre.  Dr. Victor Wee spoke about ways to develop loving-kindness in daily life.  The essence of ‘Mettā’ is universal friendliness; it is developing kindness towards all beings without discriminating between the liked and disliked.  Anger on the other hand, is a destructive emotion and the opposite of ‘Mettā’.

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1 October 2014

Nalanda Building Progress – 140 days on

Today marks the 140th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began.  Work is progressing smoothly on all levels, especially at Level 4 and the roof structure.  The Building Committee has indicated that Levels 2 & 3 may be completed earlier and handed over to Nalanda by mid-October.  This timely development will come in handy as Nalanda Centre will be hosting major events in the last quarter of the year, such as “Sangha Day”, holiday camps, members’ convention, and group visits. Read more

30 September 2014

Nalanda Members’ Day in September

On Sunday 21 September, Nalanda Buddhist Society members from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur Branch gathered for a ‘family’ reunion at our ‘spiritual home’ – Nalanda Centre – for another Members’ Day.  The gathering started with a piece of good news  – our youths’ effort in producing a video titled ‘Hope’ for Siddharthan Care Centre won the best short film category in a recent competition.  The inspiring video was shown to Nalandians, and everyone rejoiced at the achievement of Bro. Andrew Tan, Bro. Gan Jia Cheng and Sis. Tan Ee Yean. Read more

29 September 2014

First anniversary tribute to Acharya S. N. Goenka

Today marks the first anniversary of renowned meditation teacher, Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka’s passing on 29 September 2013.  Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to pay tribute to a prodigious teacher who had created the conditions for millions of practitioners to experience the technique and bliss of ‘Vipassana Meditation’ first taught by the Buddha 2,600 years ago!

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28 September 2014

Appreciation Tea Party for Volunteers

On Sunday 21 September, volunteers and stall operators of the recent Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2014 were treated to a tea party to appreciate their contribution towards the success of the event.  About 60 people attended the tea party which was held at the Youth Centre.

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27 September 2014

Service Sunday & Memorial Pūja

We cordially invite everyone to participate in Service Sunday tomorrow starting at 9.00am, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  Achariya Tan Siang Chye, the Director of Nalanda Institute, will deliver a Dhamma talk on “Knowledge”.

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26 September 2014

Wet but joyful ‘Pindacāra’ in Seri Kembangan

Report by Muditā  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Saturday 20 September, devotees gathered at the Seri Kembangan morning market for our twice-monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) programme.  The rain which came in the early morning did not dampen the spirits of many devotees who turned up with offerings to the venerable monks.

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