News & Updates

25 September 2014

Historical account of Pre-Buddhist India

Nalanda Institute’s BPS402 Higher Certificate Course participants have recently advanced into Module 2 of the programme covering the “Historical Development of Buddhism”.  On Saturday 6 September, Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama conducted Lecture 6 on the subject of “Pre-Buddhist Indian Religious Thoughts”.

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24 September 2014

Building a Planter Box at Nalanda House

On 16 September “Malaysia Day”, Nalandians took advantage of the public holiday to have another round of cleaning and gardening at Nalanda House.  Their most impressive effort was in building a planter box in front of Nalanda House, using bricks recycled from the ongoing Nalanda Building Expansion Project.  The three-tiered planter box is 12 feet long by 5 feet wide, with nine compartments for different types of plants.  It was a brainchild of Nalanda’s ‘gardener-in-chief’, Bro. Vincent Lee.

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23 September 2014

Mid-Autumn fellowship at NEO Centre KL

Report by Tan Jee Jian & Muditā Chan

On Sunday 7 September, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch organized a Mid-Autumn Festival gathering which saw a good turnout of parents and children from the Junior Dharma School.  The objective of this gathering was to foster bonding and to promote Buddhist values and culture.  Besides, the Branch Committee took this opportunity to thank all devotees and members for their contribution in the recent Nalanda Family Fun Fair held on 24 August.

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22 September 2014

Service Sunday with Charlie Chia

On Sunday 7 September, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for Service Sunday with a Dhamma talk by Bro. Charlie Chia.  After pūja, chanting and meditation, Bro. Charlie Chia shared about the way to be a happy and successful person.  One needs the conditions of good kamma, being in the right environment, and making the right effort to be ‘successful’.

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21 September 2014

Building Progress – 130 days on!

Today marks the 130th day since the Nalanda Centre Building Expansion Project began.  In just another 50 days, the construction and renovation work should be wholly completed!  Currently, work is concentrated at Level 4 and the roof structure.  We have also started landscaping the surroundings of Nalanda Centre.  Volunteers spent a few days last week to clean up the neighbourhood, and planted suitable shrubs to enhance the experience of visitors to the Centre.

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20 September 2014

‘Mettā Bhāvanā’ continues at NEO Centre KL

Report by Thong Fee Shen  |  Photographs by Rudy Gan

On Thursday 4 September, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch welcomed its members to the second session of the 7-week ‘Mettā Bhāvanā’ meditation course.  During group sitting, participants were skilfully guided by Bro. Tan, who reiterated that Mettā meditation is one of the antidotes to the three ‘mental poisons’ of greed, hatred and delusion.  Eliminating these three poisons will end suffering and lead to liberation from misery.

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19 September 2014

Meaningful ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Memorial Day’

Report by Lim Jie Sheng  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

31 August 2014 not only marked the 57th Independence Day of Malaya, but also the 8th anniversary of our late Spiritual Advisor Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda’s passing.  Nalandians gathered on this day to commemorate our late teacher’s lifetime missionary work and celebrate his spirit and teachings that brought a huge impact to the Buddhist community.

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18 September 2014

A Wonderful Community Gardening Day

On Sunday 14 September, devotees gathered in strength at Nalanda Centre for our annual ‘Community Gardening Day’.  Every year close to ‘Malaysia Day’, Nalandians and the surrounding community would work together to clean and green the Sri Serdang neighbourhood. This is one of our efforts to commemorate the country’s founding day – by taking care of cleanliness in our vicinity, and to plant suitable local trees and shrubs to create a better environment for everyone.

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17 September 2014

Two months after the downing of MH17

It has been 2 months since the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukrainian airspace on 17 July, while on its routine flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  The shock caused by this despicable act reverberated throughout the world – there was simply no excuse for such a horrific and senseless attack on an innocent civil airliner!

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17 September 2014

Nalanda Education Team Meeting

The Nalanda Education Team ( N.E.T.) members had a meaningful “Malaysia Day” by holding their second meeting yesterday morning at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  The meeting was chaired by N.E.T. Chairman Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, and attended by all Directors and Heads of Department from Nalanda Institute, Dharma School, Free School, Pustaka Nalanda, and Youth Centre.

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