News & Updates

11 August 2014

Farewell, dear brother!

On Friday 8 August, Nalandian youths had a farewell gathering in honour of Nicholas Lee who is leaving for overseas studies.  Youth leaders Bro. Disheng and Sis. Sumana rallied youth members for a heart-warming sharing session where everyone expressed their support for Nicholas and for each other’s future plans.

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11 August 2014

Branch Leaders gather at Nalanda Centre

The chairmen of Nalanda’s branches in Kuala Lumpur, Sungai Petani and Johor Bahru gathered at Nalanda Centre over the weekend for consultations with Nalanda’s leadership over the next quarter’s programmes and activities.  The chairmen were also brought on a tour of the adjoining building currently under reconstruction, and expressed their support for the successful completion of the ‘Nalanda Centre Expansion Project’ that will benefit the entire Malaysian Buddhist community.

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10 August 2014

Reflective Memorial Service for MH17

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 23 July, Nalanda Centre was filled with devotees who came to participate in a Memorial Service for the casualties of MH17.  Bro. Tan led devotees in pūja, chanting and Mettā meditation.  After which, a short but impactful video clip showing the last moments of MH17 and aftermaths of the tragedy was presented.  Following that was an inspiring Dhamma talk by Bro Tan.

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9 August 2014

Felicitations – Singapore’s 49th National Day

Today is the Republic of Singapore’s 49th National Day.  Nalandians would like to wish our Singaporean friends a joyous celebration with unity of purpose and harmony of interests.

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8 August 2014

In Remembrance – MH370

Today marks exactly 5 months since ‘MH370’ vanished over the Indian Ocean on 8 March 2014.  The mystery of its disappearance remains unsolved; and the memory and pain of those who lost their loved ones remain fresh.  Since ‘MH370’, we have again been shocked by the crashing of a few other airliners in July, including another Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 – the ‘MH17’ – with a great loss of lives.

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7 August 2014

It’s Bigger & Better this year!

The much-anticipated ‘NALANDA FAMILY FUN FAIR’ is just 2 weeks away!  This year’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ will be the biggest ever held in Sri Serdang, with over 160 stalls offering a wide range of food, beverages, household items, handicrafts, and merchandise.  There will also be cultural performances and a ‘talent-time’ show.  In short, it is going to be a wonderful outing for families and friends while supporting a noble cause!

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6 August 2014

‘War’ & ‘Peace’ begin in the mind

Excerpt from Bro. H S Tan’s article, “Reflections on 6 August”.

On 6 August 1945, the horrific ‘Atomic bomb’ was first used in warfare and dropped over Hiroshima, Japan.  Today marks the 69th anniversary of that tragic event.  More than 100,000 people were killed by the Hiroshima bomb and the subsequent fires and radiation.  220,000 more were injured, and scarred for life.  The Atomic bomb was until then the most destructive weapon used by man against man.  With its deployment, Hiroshima was completely destroyed; so was humanity on that fateful day.

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6 August 2014

Parents-Facilitators’ Meeting at NEO Centre KL

On Sunday 20 July, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Junior Dharma School held a fruitful parents-facilitators’ meeting.  This first formal meeting between the parents and facilitators of Nalanda Junior Dharma School (JDS) aimed at achieving better understanding of the School’s unique educational philosophy.  It also intended to update parents on their children’s progress over the past six months.

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5 August 2014

Buddhist Studies Course in Johor Bahru

Report by Sandy Lim  |  Photographs by Yap Kuan Yi

On 12 – 13 July, 34 participants attended the fifth and sixth sessions of the Mandarin Buddhist Course conducted by Bro. Aggaphala Yap at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.  Bro. Aggaphala, who is a professional counsellor with experience in community counseling, spoke on the subject of “Kamma and Rebirth”.

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4 August 2014

Inspirational Dhamma Talk in Langkawi

On 27 June, Nalanda Founder Bro.Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma talk at Langkawi Buddhist Society in Kuah, where he spoke about the Buddhist perspective on ‘relationship’.  Bro. Tan’s visit to Langkawi came after a lapse of almost 10 years since his last trip there; hence the talk was very well received.

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