News & Updates

3 August 2014

Joyful ‘Pindacāra’ in Seri Kembangan

On Saturday 19 July, market-goers in Seri Kembangan’s Jalan Besar market waited patiently for the start of Pindacāra (monk going on alms-round).  Many devotees were ready with cooked food in hand to be offered to monk(s) on alms-round.  It was indeed joyful to experience the atmosphere of calm and humility as people of different age groups participated wholeheartedly in this meritorious activity.

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2 August 2014

80 days on; 100 more to completion!

Today marks the 80th day work started on the Nalanda Centre Expansion Project.  As we draw closer to the scheduled half-way point of reconstruction, the building itself is gradually taking a more concrete and complete shape!

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1 August 2014

An illuminating finale to Gimhāna Retreat

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 16 July, Nalanda Centre was packed with devotees eager to listen to the last Gimhāna teachings for 2014.  It was indeed a worthwhile effort as Bro. Tan delivered an illuminating finale on the gradual development of a ‘good mind’.  Recalling his earlier talks about a ‘good heart’ versus a ‘good mind’, he asked rhetorically –‘What is this “mind”?’

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31 July 2014

SJBA EXCO members visit Nalanda Centre

On Saturday 26 July, seven senior EXCO members from Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) led by their President, Bro. Chim Siew Choon, made a study-visit to Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. The SJBA leaders were warmly welcomed by Nalanda President Bro. Lee Kong Foo and Nalandian officers.

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30 July 2014

Continuous Learning and Spiritual Reflection

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 20 July, devotees continued with Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation at Nalanda Centre.  We were privileged to hear Bro. Charlie Chia deliver a light-hearted Dhamma talk titled, ‘It’s all in the breath’.

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29 July 2014

Visit by Maha Karuna Buddhist Society

On Sunday 13 July, a bus-load of Maha Karuna Buddhist Society (MKBS) members and their Dhamma School students paid a learning-visit to Nalanda Centre.  The visitors arrived early in the morning and joined in the ‘Dhamma Day’ Service Sunday with pūja, chanting, and meditation.  Everyone felt happy listening to an insightful Dhamma talk by Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan, and thereafter performed Sanghika Dāna (lunch offering to monks).

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28 July 2014

An inspiring ‘Dhamma Day’ teaching

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 13 July, more than 100 devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to commemorate ‘Dhamma Day’.  As the day signifies the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after his Enlightenment, Bro. Tan led devotees in reciting the famous ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’.

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28 July 2014

Salam Mettā Hari Raya

On this festive occasion, Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes our Muslim friends ‘Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri’!

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27 July 2014

Developing faith with proper understanding

Report by Muditā  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

The Āsālha full-moon day fell on Friday, 11 July this year.  This special day commemorates the anniversaries of the Bodhisatta’s Conception, His Great Renunciation and the Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ (Discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’).  It was also on this day, too, that the Sangha was established and the ‘Three Refuges’ complete.

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26 July 2014

Facing Disappointments with Resilience

Report by Yee Sook Fen  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 9 July, Nalanda Centre was again filled with devotees eager to learn and practice Dhamma.  In his Dhamma talk, Bro. Tan shared some practical and beneficial tips on how to deal with disappointments.  In our daily life, it is not uncommon to encounter disappointments of varying degrees, which constantly disturb our mental serenity.  To deal with it, Bro. Tan shared that we need to put ‘problems’ in the proper perspective, and thus gradually developing ‘Right View’.

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