News & Updates

24 July 2014

Minute’s silence at the Glasgow Games

The 2014 Commonwealth Games is now underway in Glasgow, Scotland.  At the Opening Ceremony of the “friendly games”, the arena observed a minute’s silence in memory of those who perished with MH17.  The Malaysian contingent marched into the stadium led by the flag-bearer carrying the national flag at half-mast, followed by Malaysia Airlines cabin crew and athletes – all wearing black arm-bands.  The contingent received a warm reception and ovation at the ceremony as a mark of empathy and solidarity over the tragic losses of MH17 and MH370.  Thank you, Scotland!

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24 July 2014

Dharma Drum Mountain teachers visit Nalanda

On Friday 18 July, Nalanda Centre was honoured by the visit of two senior monastic teachers from Dharma Drum Mountain (法鼓山), one of the largest Buddhist organisations in Taiwan, which was founded by the late Venerable Master Sheng Yen.

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24 July 2014

Thoughts of mettā for Taiwan

Just days after the tragic downing of MH17, another commercial airliner crashed in Taiwan yesterday evening, killing at least 48 people on board.  The ATR-72 turboprop airplane belonging to TransAsia Airways was en route from Kaohsiung to Penghu Island off Taiwan when it crashed in severe weather.  Flight GE 222 was carrying 54 passengers and 4 crew members.

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23 July 2014

70 days on, 110 more to go!

Today marks the 70th day that work began on the Nalanda Centre Expansion Project.  To date, 24% of the overall work has been completed, with safe and steady progress.  This is a project of great merit and strategic importance to the Buddhist community, as Nalanda serves the need for holistic education nationally.

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22 July 2014

Memorial Service for Casualties of MH17

Dear friends, a special evening Service in memory of the casualties of MH17 will be held at Nalanda Centre on Wednesday 23 July, from 8pm to 10pm.  We invite you to participate in this Service with meditation, chanting, and a Dhamma teaching by Bro. Tan, who will talk about the Buddhist response to the vicissitudes of life.  All are welcome.

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22 July 2014

Develop spiritually to face vicissitudes of life

Excerpt of a Dhamma talk by Bro Tan.

“Spiritual strength and resilience is essential to help us face disasters with calmness and kindness.  It is important that we cultivate our minds and nourish our spirits with a lot of positive and wholesome qualities, such as patience, moral virtues, fortitude, perseverance, right understanding and wisdom. Read more

21 July 2014

Eager to learn Buddhist Scriptures & Doctrines

Report by Sandy Lim  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Saturday 5 July, 46 registered participants attended the first lecture of the much-anticipated BPS 402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies – offered by Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  A similar course (BPS 401) was last organised 5 years ago, also by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies, from July to December 2009.

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20 July 2014

Junior Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Report by Tan Jee Jian

On 5 and 6 July, 27 Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Junior Dharma School students between the ages of 9 and 12 years old stayed-in at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The objectives of the stay-in were to foster bonding among facilitators and students, to learn Buddhist culture and chanting, as well as to involve parents in rendering service to the Buddhist community. Read more

19 July 2014

Flags at half-mast in memory of MH17

The Malaysian Government today called for flags to be flown at half-mast until Monday 21 July, to mourn the loss of 298 lives on board MH17.  At tomorrow morning’s Service Sunday, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan will offer a reflection on the tragic air-crash as well as recite prayers for the victims and their loved ones.

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19 July 2014

Mandela’s first birthday, without Mr. Mandela

18 July 2014 marked the late Nelson Mandela’s 96th birth anniversary.  This year, we do not have the good fortune of celebrating his birthday with the man himself, as he had passed on in December last year.  This is Mandela’s first birthday, without Mr. Nelson Mandela.

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