News & Updates

18 July 2014

Pindacāra at Seri Kembangan tomorrow

In view of the tragic crash of Malaysia Airlines MH17, we would like to invite devotees to participate in ‘Pindacāra’ (monk going on alms-round) at Seri Kembangan market tomorrow, and thereafter transfer merits to the 298 casualties.  Giving alms is among many wholesome deeds we can perform in memory of the unfortunate victims.

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18 July 2014

MAS confirms 298 on board MH17 perished

In a Media Statement issued on Friday, 18 July at 7.30am, Malaysia Airlines confirmed that all 298 people on board MH17 (as opposed to 295 people inferred earlier) had perished in the tragic air crash.  MH17 was on a regular scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  As the Boeing 777 was flying over Eastern Ukraine, it was purportedly shot down by a ground-to-air missile.

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18 July 2014

Malaysia Airlines MH17 crashed in Ukraine

News agencies reported yesterday evening (17 July) that a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 – flight MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur – has crashed in the Ukraine.  It was reportedly shot while flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters over the eastern part of that country, and crashed shortly afterwards.  280 passengers and 15 crew members were on board; all 295 were feared dead.

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17 July 2014

Commentary on the ‘Simile of thoroughbreds’

Report by Thong Fee Shen  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 6 July, Bro. Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma teaching quoting a discourse in the Anguttara Nikāya, whereby the Buddha described 4 kinds of good practitioners using the ‘simile of thoroughbreds’.  They are (1) one who upon hearing about the pain or death of a man or woman, realises that the same could happen to him, and thus stirred to cultivate; (2) one who sees before his eyes a man or woman in pain or dead, and feels the urgency to cultivate; (3) one whose family members, closed friends or loved ones are in pain or dead, and he feels the urgency to cultivate; and (4) one who experiences pain himself, and feels the urgency to cultivate. Read more

17 July 2014

Fitting finale to an inspiring Gimhāna Retreat

This year’s 7-week long Gimhāna Period Retreat, which began on 28 May, came to a wonderful and inspiring close last night.  Over the weeks, more than 200 devotees packed Nalanda Centre especially on Wednesdays and weekends for meditation, chanting, and community service.

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16 July 2014

Gimhāna Retreat finale tonight

Tonight marks the last session of the 8-week meditation course under the guidance of Bro Tan.  It also marks the end of this year’s inspiring ‘Gimhāna Retreat’.  We would like to invite everyone to Nalanda Centre at 8.00pm tonight to join us in meditation and for the Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.  All are welcome!

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15 July 2014

NalandaTV Episode 9 – Members’ Convention

Dear friends, Episode 9 of NalandaTV is now available for viewing on-line!  This episode reports on the National Members’ Convention held in Sri Serdang from 1 – 3 May, in conjunction with Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 11th Anniversary.

Nalanda members from all over the country had a wonderful time spent in great camaraderie and spiritual solidarity.  There were many touching personal sharing by Nalandians about their good friends.  Founder Bro. Tan also gave a moving and stirring talk on what it means to be a ‘good practitioner and friend’.

Watch inspiring scenes and interviews in this interesting episode!  Please click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and kindly SHARE with your family and friends.

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15 July 2014

Inspiring and Aspiring Dutiful Conduct

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 2 July, devotees rejoiced in a meditation session and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.  As the day commemorates the anniversary of his late teacher’s renunciation, Bro. Tan dedicated that evening’s teachings on ‘dutiful conduct’ to him.

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15 July 2014

‘Samatha’ & ‘Vipassanā’ Sutta Workshop

The ‘grand finale’ of the Samatha & Vipassanā Sutta Workshop series was held recently at Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) on 5 – 6 July 2014.  It was the ninth workshop conducted by Venerable Aggacitta Mahathero since Nalanda Institute organised the inaugural ‘Samatha & Vipassanā Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop’ back in March.

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14 July 2014

National Service Trainees at Nalanda

Report by Tai Wei Kit, Programme Co-ordinator & Nalandian Youth

Every Sunday afternoon from April to June 2014, Nalanda Centre hosted the second batch of 2014 National Service (NS) trainees for their Dhamma-learning Programme.  Nalanda Youths were given the wonderful opportunity to take charge of the three-hour weekly programme over 10 sessions.

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