News & Updates

3 July 2014

Nalanda Centre Expansion – 50th Day Mark

Today marks the 50th day that work on the Nalanda Centre Expansion Project began.  The project is an extensive one, covering many details and technical challenges.  To date, 15% of the work has been completed, with safe and steady progress.

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2 July 2014

Mandarin Buddhist Course continues in J.B.

Last weekend (28–29 June), devotees in Johor Bahru continued their monthly lessons in the Mandarin Buddhist Course organised by Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  On Saturday 28 June, Sis. Nandini Tan conducted lectures on “What Buddhism Is”, “Three Jewels”, and “Five Precepts” for 35 course participants in the conducive environment of NEO Centre Johor Bahru.

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2 July 2014

Triumphant return from the United States

Nalandian Youth Lim Jie Sheng has returned to Malaysia after spending 6 months as an exchange student in Indiana, U.S.A.  In May, Jie Sheng did Nalanda proud when he became the first Nalandian to give a Dhamma talk in the United States.  After paying respects to his teachers at Nalanda upon his return, Jie Sheng handed the Buddhist and Nalanda Flags he had brought along to the U.S.A. back to Bro Tan.

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1 July 2014

7th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute

Message from the Director of Nalanda Institute

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1 July 2014

7th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia

1 July 2014 marks the 7th Anniversary of Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  Since its establishment in 2007, the Institute has been organizing many short and medium-term courses up to Higher Certificate level, commentarial courses, meditation workshops, pilgrimages to India and Nepal, study tours locally and abroad, and leadership and management training programmes aplenty.

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1 July 2014

Achariya Vijaya heads Nalanda Education Team

Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama today assumes the Chair of Nalanda Education Team (NET), a committee comprising divisional and departmental heads of Nalanda Institute, Nalanda Dharma School, Pustaka Nalanda, and Free School.  The NET is tasked with overseeing the implementation of Nalanda’s education philosophy and approach in all programmes.

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30 June 2014

New Director of Nalanda Institute appointed

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Achariya Tan Siang Chye as the third Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia, effective 1 July 2014, for a 3-year term.

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30 June 2014

Leadership Renewal at Nalanda Institute

Today (30 June) marks the last day of Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama’s term as the second Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia.  Succeeding Achariya Vijaya tomorrow (which is also the Institute’s 7th Anniversary) is Achariya Tan Siang Chye, who is appointed to the post for a 3-year tenure.

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30 June 2014

Thank you, Achariya Vijaya!

After four years of helming Nalanda Institute Malaysia, Achariya* Vijaya Samarawickrama will be stepping down as the Institute’s Director tomorrow (1 July).  Achariya Vijaya was appointed as the second Director of Nalanda Institute on 1 July 2010, for a 3-year period.  However, his term was extended by one year last July to oversee the completion of ongoing programmes at the Institute.

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29 June 2014

Fruitful Nalanda Members’ Day in Sri Serdang

Report by J. J. Tan  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 22 June, Nalanda Members’ Day was successfully held at Nalanda Centre, attended by members from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur branches.  During the training session, Nalanda’s Founder Bro. Tan walked the members through the meaning of membership in Nalanda, and reminding all Nalandians to stay focused on the mission and vision of the Society.

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