News & Updates

21 May 2014

Food for the Homeless in Kuala Lumpur

On Saturday 17 May, a team of Nalandian youths distributed food to the homeless on the streets of Kuala Lumpur.  Accompanied by Nalanda KL Branch Chairman Bro. Eugene Yong and Dharma School Facilitator Bro. Choong Li, the Youth team spent an hour around midnight combing the streets near Pudu Sentral to offer food to people living on the streets.

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20 May 2014

Visit by Ven. Chang Zao of Dharma Drum Mountain

The Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia (法鼓山馬來西亞) Venerable Chang Zao (常藻法师) came for a courtesy visit to Nalanda Centre this afternoon, accompanied by two volunteer officers.  They were warmly received by Sis. Nandini Tan and Bro. Charlie Teng, together with several other Nalandians.

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20 May 2014

First Nalandian Dhammaduta to the United States

Nalanda Youth Centre is certainly spawning a new generation of passionate Dhamma messengers (Dhammaduta)!  In conjunction with Wesak, Nalandian youth Lim Jie Sheng, 18, has been invited to give a Dhamma-sharing at the Indiana Buddhist Temple in Hoagland, Indiana, this Saturday 24 May 2014.

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19 May 2014

Course on ‘True Significance of Wesak’

The final module of ‘Buddhist Devotional Practice’ series on the topic “True Significance of Wesak”  was conducted by Nalanda Institute’s tutors Sis. Sandy Lim and Bro. Tong Siong Yeow on Saturday, 10 May.

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18 May 2014

The Joy of Wesak lingers on

The 4-day Wesak Observance at Nalanda Centre had come to an end on 14 May, but the joy lingers on for all of us in Sri Serdang, as we continue to celebrate the success of a meaningful and spiritual Buddha Day.  We are grateful for the support we received from many members, volunteers, sponsors and benefactors who were ever generous with your time and effort, even in the weeks leading up to Wesak.

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17 May 2014

Mandarin Buddhist Course in Johor Bahru

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering a 6-session Buddhist Studies course in Mandarin starting 24 May 2014.  The free course will be offered for the first time ever at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre Johor Bahru.   For further information, please contact Sis. Angie Ng (012-721 1469) or Mrs. Yap (016-723 7303) in Johor Bahru.  Thank you.

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17 May 2014

Wonderful Buddha Day celebrations at Nalanda

In the evening of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, prior to the annual ‘Heritage Procession’, many devotees turned up for the “Mass Food Offering” at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  Generous donors of food were also seen serving the public joyfully, selflessly and respectfully, deep in the spirit of loving-kindness.

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16 May 2014

Nalanda Officers celebrate Teacher’s Day

Key officers gathered at Nalanda Centre for a meeting tonight took the opportunity to celebrate Teacher’s Day together with Bro. Tan, Sis. Sunanda, Sis. Nandini, and other teachers present.  President Bro. Lee Kong Foo thanked all teachers at Nalanda for their selfless service and sacrifice in educating our students.  Bro. Tan then led a prayer for the well-being of teachers around the world.

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16 May 2014

Happy Teacher’s Day 2014

In Malaysia, 16 May is designated as ‘National Teacher’s Day’. Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes all teachers – both spiritual and secular – a meaningful, reflective and joyful Teacher’s Day.

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15 May 2014

Wesak celebrations at Nalanda

The Wesak Observance at Nalanda has come to a joyful conclusion on Wednesday, 14 May with the offering of lunch dāna and the departure of Sangha members.  Over the 4-day Wesak Observance period, an estimated 3,000 visitors came to pay respects and participate in events at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.

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