Nalanda Buddhist Society Kuala Lumpur Branch held its inaugural General Meeting of members (AGM) on 11 January, at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Happy Garden. The pivotal agenda of this AGM was the election of the Branch Management Committee for 2014 – 2016. Nalandians voted for a set of leaders that retained the key offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman. The whole election proceeded joyfully.
Read moreSaturday 4 January was a meaningful day for Nalandians and devotees who were gathered at the Taman O.U.G and Happy Garden markets to offer alms-food to members of the Sangha. The monthly alms-round allows lay people to do good deeds with kind intentions and actions. Cheerfulness was what we saw from the faces of the elderly and the young.
Read moreWe are pleased to present Episode 2 of NALANDA TV today! This episode features recent happenings at Nalanda, and interviews with Ven. Sing Kan, Ven. Neishu of Japan, and Chairman of Nalanda Building Committee Bro. Mittananda Chong.
Click on the screen below to enjoy watching!
On Wednesday 8 January, Nalanda Centre received a special visit by the Honorable Member of Parliament for Serdang, Yang Berhormat Dr. Ong Kian Ming.
Read moreA Career and Education Workshop was held on the 4 and 5 January at NEO Centre Johor Bahru. Mr. Lok Eng Hong, Regional Head of Dealing & Retail Equities of Maybank Investment Bank, conducted the two-day programme.
Read moreToday at Nalanda Centre, we commemorate the 100th Day Memorial on the passing of the late Venerable Prof. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Nayaka Thero and Acharya S. N. Goenka. Both were luminaries of the Buddhist World – one a great Tipitaka scholar, and the other a great meditation teacher. We wish both our teachers the highest bliss of Peace, ‘Santi ‘.
Read moreIn the early morning on Sunday 5 January, a team of 16 Nalandians did a promotion of ‘Nalanda Walkathon’ in Kuala Lumpur. The team managed to reach out to 3,000 members of the public at a community event in Padang Merbok.
Read moreNalanda Institute Malaysia is honoured to invite Āyasmā Aggacitta Māhathera in March for a Sutta Study Course cum Meditation Workshop on “Samatha & Vipassanā”.
Read moreOn Sunday 5 January, Nalanda youths gathered at their future 'headquarters' to perform spring-cleaning. The youths started with a group chanting. Then, with brooms, mops, and cloths in hand, everyone started their 'cleanathon' in earnest.
Read moreOn Saturday 4 January, Nalanda received a visit by Ven. Neishu from Kegon Japanese School in Tōdaiji, Japan. The venerable bhikshuni (Buddhist nun) who was accompanied by several lay devotees was brought on a tour of Nalanda Centre by Sis. Nandini. Ven. Neishu expressed her joy in visiting Nalanda Centre with its aesthetic design and peaceful ambience. She was also happy to learn about the dynamic development of Buddhism in Malaysia. Before leaving, the venerable thanked Sis. Nandini and Nalandians for their kind hospitality.
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