News & Updates

2 March 2014

Inaugural General Meeting of Johor Bahru Branch

The first Annual General Meeting of Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch was successfully held today at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.  At the meeting, members elected a team of leaders that retained the key officers – Chairman Bro. David Yap, Deputy Chairperson Sis. Angie Ng, Branch Secretary Sis. Ong Ai Geok, and Branch Treasurer Sis. Vivienne Ng.

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1 March 2014

Nalandians & SJBA Members perform Lunch Dāna in Kampar

On Friday 28 February, Mr. and Mrs. Koh Lai Huat of Subang Jaya Buddhist Association (SJBA) invited Ven. Dhammavuddho Maha Thero for lunch dāna in Kampar.  10 Nalandian officers traveled there to join some SJBA members, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) lecturer, students and local Kampar devotees in offering the noon meal.

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28 February 2014

Another Fruitful Session with Uncle Vijaya

Article by Yap Yi An

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27 February 2014

Prostheses Centre opens at Bandar Utama

On Sunday 23 February, Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS) celebrated a significant milestone as the first prostheses centre of its kind in Malaysia was officially opened at Uttama Bodhi Vihāra in Bandar Utama, Petaling Jaya.  BUBS’ “Limbs for Life” Project is a noble effort to provide amputees with artificial legs so that they can walk again.  The gift of prostheses is actually a gift of mobility, freedom, and self-confidence for many!

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26 February 2014

‘Svagatam’ Induction Programme for Parents

On Sunday 23 February, parents of new Nalanda Dharma School students gathered in Sri Serdang for the second session of ‘Svagatam’* Induction Programme.  In this session, Sis. Nandini Tan shared about the lovely Buddhist culture and refined etiquette.

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25 February 2014

Inaugural AGM for Sungai Petani Branch

The inaugural Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was successfully held on Saturday 22 February, at Cinta Sayang Resort, Kedah.  At the meeting, members elected a Management Committee to lead the branch for the next two years, headed by Chairman Bro. Khaw Seng Giap and Deputy Chairman Bro. Teoh Soon Liang.  Sis. Sumedha Lee is the new Branch Secretary, while Bro. Por Lee Tee was elected the Branch Treasurer.

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24 February 2014

Dhamma Session with Ajahn Karuniko

On Wednesday 19 February, we were delighted to have Ajahn Karuniko guiding us in meditation and to deliver a Dhamma talk on “Mindfulness”.  After the evening Pūja and chanting, Ajahn skillfully guided the devotees for an hour’s meditation.  After which, Ajahn shared about the importance and benefits of calming our minds through meditation.

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23 February 2014

Great fun learning Dhamma for NS Trainees

It was another fruitful outing for 54 National Service (NS) trainees who attended Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre on 16 February.  Their arrival was warmly greeted by Nalanda youths, who have for the past two months organised a series of interesting activities which aimed at sharing basic Dhamma knowledge with the trainees.

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22 February 2014

Induction Session for Parents

On Sunday 16 February, a ‘Svagatam ’ * induction programme was held for parents of new Nalanda Dharma School students registered for 2014. The 6-session programme aims to equip participants with the essential knowledge on living in accordance with the Dhamma, and also to provide an avenue for parents to share their thoughts and views.

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21 February 2014

Service Sunday talk by Bro. Tan Huat Chye

On Sunday 16 February, Bro. Tan Huat Chye delivered an insightful Dhamma Talk on ‘Respect’, one of Nalanda’s Eight Core Values, during Service Sunday.

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